TRAVEL DIRECTIONS The Racecourse lies on the A73 on Hyndford Road, Lanark. Those competitors entering the town from the west and proceeding up Lanark High Street should follow the sign for Carlisle by taking the right hand fork in the road at the Oxfam shop. Continue to the roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto Hyndford Road. Competitors approaching from the south will cross Hyndford Bridge and continue into Lanark on Hyndford Road. The Racecourse will be signed from Hyndford Road.

REGISTRATION AND DOWNLOAD The event centre is Lanark Rugby Club clubhouse which is in the centre of the racecourse area. It will be signed through the main car park and parking will be at the football facility. The Rugby Club is adjacent to the football facility. Toilets will be available at the Rugby Club and First Aiders will be in attendance. Please return trophies to the registration area.

START TIMES are between 1800-1900 hours. Times are not being allocated, competitors should simply report to the start area at their preferred time slot. Loose Descriptions will be available at pre-start.  Please note that it is compulsory that competitors carry a whistle and a spare torch. Competitors must report to the finish to download even if they do not complete their course. There will be limited entry on the night. Map scale is 1:7,500 with 5 metre contour intervals.

Please Note: All competitors take part at their own risk.

FINISH Soup will be available to all finishers at the Rugby Club on completion of their course.


TD5 Long 5.6 km 115 m – M18, M20, M21, M35, M40, M45, M50, W21, W35
TD5 Medium 4.3 km 85 m – M16, M55, M60, M65 and M21S, W18, W20, W40, W45, W50 & W21S
TD5 Short 2.9 km 75 m – M70, M70+, W16, W55, W55+
Light Green 3.5 km 65 m- M/W 14
Dark Orange 2.5 km 55 m

DAY EVENT – BIGGAR incorporating BTO SOUL 11 – SUNDAY 12 NOVEMBER 2017

TRAVEL DIRECTIONS The event centre will be the Biggar Youth Project which is located in Market Road, Biggar. From the east continue along the A702 until you see the war memorial at the far end of the High Street. Turn left into Station Road and then immediate left into Market Road. Continue up the hill until you see the Co-op. Main car parking is in the long stay car park on the left (not the Co-op car park). Overflow parking is in Biggar High School car park which is on the right hand side through the gates.

EVENT CENTRE Registration, enquiries, download and toilets etc will be in the Biggar Youth Project which is just north of the main parking. Please return all trophies to the registration area. Muddy shoes and spikes will need to be removed before entering the building.

START TIMES 1200-1330 hours and competitors should go to the start at their preferred start time. Loose Descriptions will be available at pre-start. The start/finish is in front of the APL building which you will see when you park. There will be limited entry on the day.

FINISH All competitors must go to the Event Centre to download even if they have not completed their course. Please Note that competitors take part at their own risk.


COURSE 1 – 5.2 km 60 m – Open Men
COURSE 2 – 4.4 km 55 m- Veteran Men 40+ and Open Women Open 2
COURSE 3 – 3.9 km 60 m – Supervet Men 55+ and Veteran Women 40+, Open 3
COURSE 4 – 3.2 km 45 m – Ultravet Men 65+, Hypervet Men and Supervet Women 55+, Ultravet Women 65+, Hypervet Women, Open 4
COURSE 5 – 3.3 km 25 m – Junior Men 16- and Junior Women 16-, Open 5
COURSE 6 – 2.2 km 15 m – Junior Men 12- and Junior Women 12-, Open 6

PLANNERS NOTES Courses 1-4 all cross the A702 and this should be done with due care and attention. The whole length of Biggar High Street is a permanent 20 mph zone which should ease crossing.

Prize Giving It is hoped that the prize giving for the Tinto Twin Trophies will take place by 2.45 pm.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Tinto OC would like to acknowledge the following people for the support and assistance with the events – Controller, Terry O’Brien, STAG, Lanark Rugby Club and Biggar Youth Project for the use of their facilities, South Lanarkshire Leisure for Lanark Racecourse, Spie for BHS grounds, Robin and Sheila Strain for Computing, St Andrew’s for First Aid cover, STAG for equipment, all of our faithful helpers from our neighbouring clubs. From Tinto, Blair for planning and Marcella once again for organising.

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