Planners’ Report for 31st Tinto Twin
The first Tinto Twin event in October 1988 attracted over 600 competitive runs and had over 75 people complete the night and day challenge. Our 31st and last Tinto Twin this past weekend , the first one ever held in the Spring rather than Autumn, had under 150 competitive runs but still 39 completed the […]
Tinto Twin 2019
The 31st Tinto Twin events was held on the 9th and 10th of March 2019 at Carmichael.Results are here.Updated details of the Night event and of the Day event are available now.Note that they include “Cagoules will be required” at the Night event and “Cagoules may be required” on Sunday
FINAL INFORMATION NIGHT EVENT – LANARK RACECOURSE SATURDAY 11 NOVEMBER 2017 TRAVEL DIRECTIONS The Racecourse lies on the A73 on Hyndford Road, Lanark. Those competitors entering the town from the west and proceeding up Lanark High Street should follow the sign for Carlisle by taking the right hand fork in the road at the Oxfam […]
Twenty-Seventh Tinto Twin 2014
PLANNERS’ REPORT Wow what a great weekend. Our back to back night and day orienteering challenge with two tough races in 24 hours brought out the best performances and like the Autumn O sport equinox takes us nicely into the night O season. 46 competitors finished both events with ages ranging from 12 to 75 […]
Twenty-Seventh Tinto Twin 2014
CONTROLLER’S REPORT Yes indeed, what a great weekend. The planning challenges were successfully overcome in both areas with the minimum use of controls, 20 at Carmichael Hill and 23 at Happendon Wood. A variety of control sites and good route choices available meant application throughout each course essential. Competitor feedback confirmed this. Marcella’s high quality […]
Soul 6 and 26th Tinto Twin Day Event 2013
Photos of some of the Tinto Twin Trophy winners and some lovely autumn scenes taken for us by Crawford Lindsay at New Lanark. For those who didn’t have the time to walk up the river gorge you missed the spectacular Corra Linn Falls. Follow the link below.